What is SEO EAT, Why Important, Is It SEO Ranking Factors?

SEO EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and it is the most important part of SEO ranking factors in 2021. I am going to describe for EAT, such as:

  1. What is SEO EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)?
  2. Why It’s So Important for SEO?
  3. How does google describe SEO EAT score?
  4. Is It Part of an SEO Ranking Factors in 2021?

Let us now describe the four points given above deeply.

1. What is SEO EAT?

what is seo eat

EAT is a short form of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Looking at these 3 important factors, Google not only promotes trusted websites, but it also strives to provide the best user experience to its audience.

If we optimize our website according to EAT, we can increase our website’s ranking in the search engine. As we had known in the beginning part of this blog that EAT is the most important part of SEO ranking factors in 2021.

Let us now understand Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

SEO EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

  • Expertise: – Expertise means that the writer writing the content on the website is how the expert in writing the content, is the user following the content he has written.
  • Authoritativeness: – Authoritativeness means that the content written by the author is how much the author has held in his or her niche, whether users are engaging with that author’s content.
  • Trustworthiness: – Trustworthiness refers to how reliable our website is.

I know that you are thinking that these 3 are the same. Let’s use an example to understand this easily.

As I wrote a blog on on-page SEO techniques, I specialize in how much I write that blog. This is Expertise. Users are using the information given by me in the on-page SEO techniques; are they engaging with this information. It is Authoritativeness. If users are also referring to the information given in my on-page SEO technique to others, it increases the trust of my website, which is Trustworthiness.

Now I hope that you have understood about EAT what exactly EAT is. Let us now look at the remaining points.

2. Why SEO EAT So Important?

SEO EAT So Important

SEO EAT most important part for both websites (Business and Blogging websites), and Google always changes the ranking of our website according to the EAT score, which means that if our website has a good EAT score, then the ranking of the website will increase. That is the reason why EAT so important for SEO.

Let’s discuss, how does google describe SEO EAT score.

3. How does Google Describe EAT Score?

Google Describe SEO EAT Score

First of all, we will know that the EAT score came from where Google hires some quality raters, then gives these quality raters a list of the google search team, keywords, which these quality raters go to google and search and see if the search results are coming. Then he gives his feedback about it to the Google search team.

The document which the quality raters follow as a guide is called quality raters guidelines. This is how Google describes SEO EAT score.

4. Is EAT Part of an SEO Ranking Factors in 2021?

SEO EAT is an SEO Ranking Factors in 2021

SEO EAT is a part of SEO Ranking Factors in 2021 as well as Google also sets a future goal, through which it updates its algorithm. And this is why whenever Google updates its algorithm, there is a slight change in the ranking of our website and this change depends on the EAT score.


To get a high ranking of our website, we have to increase the quality and reality of our content so that more people read, share, and advise to gain more trust with the audience.